Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Paleo GoRuck

So this weekend and July 4th weekend, I did two GoRuck events. If you don't know what GoRuck is, it's basically a military oriented company that both designs military gear and hosts intense team-building endurance events led by cadres with experience in the Special Forces of all branches in the military. It's basically team-boot-camp-hiking where the cadre assigns team objectives and doles out PT pain.

I did the Light last weekend and the Challenge this past Friday-to-Saturday. It was intense. It was grueling. And it was so much fun I can't wait to go again.

But why am I telling you this?

Because it is HARD to stick to Paleo when you're training for and doing these events! I have to admit, during the Light I had two granola bars on the breaks. How sad is that that that's a crime? And yet. So sayeth yon Paleo gods: Thou shalt not partake of yon grainy granola deliciousness.

I also had toast and cheese with my breakfast on the day after the Challenge. Because after 12 hours of pushing, you deserve sweet cheesy carby goodness. I mean, look at this holy mess and tell me you can't cut me some slack!

(I'm the second one on the left.)

Earlier this week, I got myself to the grocery store in time and loaded up on Larabars. If you haven't heard about these, get ON that! These things are wonderful. They add nothing to the recipe except for the things you want to eat!

It's always nice to have a quick snack on hand. Larabars helped keep me honest and paleo-compliant. Other than that, it's been bacon and eggs, chicken, veggies and fruits.

I've decided that tomorrow or the day after, I'm going to do a nitty gritty expose on granola bars. As a finely tuned label reader, I will share my personal reflections on what I like to eat and what I now choose to avoid. So many things claim to be healthy when they aren't.

So! That's the latest update from this end. Not a lot to report.

Three days to go!

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